Is Dr Dre daughter aka Truly Young playing the misogyny card?
Staff Writer
2020-10-04 .
If you have been confused by COVID-19 , politics and Zoom drama, you may have missed the latest brainless drama over the internet. The foundation for this drama is based on the family feud that has development in the Dr Dre's household.
Dr Dre family feud
Dr Dre and his wife are about the split. The amount money that she is requesting is huge. A lot of people gave comment about her request and at the top of the list are 50 Cent and Xbit.
The two famous rappers that have worked with Dr Dre allegedly called Truly Young's mom a b!tch. Their comments and social media following fed the fire for people to light up Truly's Instagram page with comments that may have been hurtful to her.
How did Truly respond to 50 cent and Xbit
Truly posted personal comments about 50 cent finances and, Xbit personal situation. Truly dropped the word misogyny as one can see in the captured post.
Did misogyny make the Dr Dre households rich
Many people are confused about Truly references to "misogyny". If we check the check book, Dr Dre has a ton of money from the misogyny theme in some peoples opinion.
photo credit:instagram