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7 baby mothers caused drama on Real Housewives of Potomac

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

If you missed season 5 episode 9 of Real Housewives of Potomac,you missed a classic train wreck. This episode brought up alot of family drama and un-answer questions about Gizelle Bryant, her father and Jamal Bryant.

How many baby mothers does Jamal Bryant have?

During the show, Jamal Bryant brought the set of Gizelle kids a restaurant. While at the restaurant, the Gizelle kids were being shown the restaurant and the ins and outs. Gizelle father happen to be there too. Then he got upset and left the set. During his exit from the set, he explained the reason for his exit.

Curtis Graves, who is Gizelle father, stated, the re marriage would fail and that Jamal Bryant has 7 baby mothers. After this,the internet went crazy.

List of unanswered questions

Why Jamal Bryant did not include his other kids in the restaurant

Does Gizelle kid's play with the other kids

Does Jamal Bryant kids have a private Facebook or chat group that the parents are not aware

What is Jamal's Bryant total child support over one year for all the kids

Will the other kids be in the wedding