A new study points to data that says Black-On-Black Crime is No Different From White-on-White Crime
Staff Writer
.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .
Conservatives along with other groups sometimes claim that Blacks kill Blacks. A new study points out underlying truths. The study debunks the notion that being Black means more violent occurrences, and confirms that crime happens regardless of race.
A study from the Vera Institute of Justice entitled An Unjust Burden: The Disparate Treatment of Black Americans in the Criminal Justice System concludes that crime is the same despite race and Black-on-Black crime is actually no different than white-on-white crime.
According to the evidence brief, “A report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that most violence occurs between victims and offenders of the same race, regardless of race. The rate of both Black-on-Black and white-on-white nonfatal violence declined 79 percent between 1993 and 2015. The number of homicides involving both a Black victim and Black perpetrator fell from 7,361 in 1991 to 2,570 in 2016.”