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Did Catherine Pugh pay 3000 or 656 to use government Contractors Private Jet?

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Although there were about 20 Southwest flights to meet Catherine Pugh's timeline, she allegedly took a private jet with a local contractor named Walter A. Tilley Jr. Even the current Mayor of Baltimore and other local political officials took a commercial airline to the this high profile event in Los Vegas. The full fee for a private jet flight is about 3000 while commercial flights such as Southwest and other brands are 656.

The Baltimore Sun has reported about the latest actions of Catherine Pugh source

List of comments from the Baltimore Suns comments section about this topic


The flight amounts to a 5 hour tutorial on racketeering, and fraud by a convicted perpetrator, and counseling on who will be running things come January. Big business and lobbyists, for those who don't know. You just have to love establishment politics. Not surprised??

Cheese Wiz

At the State level, you can do this stuff for 20 years and no one will care or be reported. As a Mayor or Governor or shool system CEO .... wise up and realize if it looks bad, it will be bad.

catherine pugh pictures