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Conspiracy Theory about Gizelle Bryant having an eastern Shore landlord #RHOP drama

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Gizelle Bryant must really want to be famous although she has been almost famous. Bryant's background ranges from being an accountant by trade, to blue blood civil rights off spring, book publisher, ex wife to Jamal Bryant, who is mega church pastor, and an alleged long time renter in the Potomac,MD community.

People are profiling the single mom with access to the DC and Baltimore power base. If Bryant is renting the Mc Mansion on the hill, it could be for business reasons or, at the time of the her divorce, she did not have the income to purchase the home.

The answer to Bryant's lifestyle will come forward in the new reality tv show titled "Real Housewives of Potomac. Although many internet websites have stated the women that were cast don't reflect the demographics of Potomac, MD, Bryant and crew were chosen.

The cast and location has started some underground drama. People have stated that they have never seen any Black people that live in Potomac, MD or have any Black neighbors.