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How to get fired quick from Uber, Lyft and Postmates?

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

The new word is called "Shared Economy". Although it has many meanings, the truth about operations is not defined or is too new to determine true and long term value. There is no long term employment data and almost no open data as to the success for the average person that is working in the shared economy.

Although Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, Postmates and other shared economy models allow individuals to make money to some degree, people can loose big fast and quick. The reason many people loose big fast and quick is due to ratings. The ratings are obtain from the customers that are severed by the independent workers for the companies. The ratings are average out over the number of trips or customers that you have severed.

Many people think the more people driven or severed the better your average. This is not true. If everyone is making lots of money, why the major push or advertising to obtain independent contractors for these shared economy companies. The reason is many people fall off or realize the ratings give them no future guarantee.

For example, in legacy types of employment models, many push for new employees for a period of time. After that period of time, they stop. With the shared economy companies, they are always pushing. One side of the story is because people can work when they want but, if you do some internet searches, you may come to a different conclusion or get a better picture of this new world order.

If you are working for a company or even an independent contractor, you have to imagine that you get fired but, you don't know why. This is the life of the shared economy all ratings are done anonymously. Many feel they are doing good service but, the anonymously raters have a different story. Although in the Uber , Lyft and Sidecar, the driver can rate the customers and prevent any further connection, the customers is only not match with the driver again. In the opposite order, if the customer rates the driver, the driver is not match and could be deactivated if his rating fall below a curtain threshold. Please keep in mind in the legacy model, you are told why you are fired and the reason has to be strongly support by the law.

Many of these companies advertise the money but, in the the advertising in seeking partners, the companies don't tell you about maintain a rating to stay active with them.