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Is Helena Andrews selling Obama Crack?

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

If you have not heard, some want to be unemployed Buppie got some big press about her new book and alleged movie deal. People get rights to their books brought all the time but , the project never takes off. The title of this Buppie's book is "B_i_t_c_h Is the New Black". You know dam well , If I as a male calling any female a female dog and ,we are not having sex , I would be in trouble. I am at a lost as to how the Obama Crack seller is getting so much press and so fast.

The first question one should ask is about the topic. The topic of dating and women that are successful. What is a successful woman. Please don't use the broad term professional because anyone that gets paid to do a job is a professional. Is the press steam rolling behind the book because the setting is in DC. Hmmmm, think, think, it should be not be a factor. The author is what some my call a fly by night visitor. She is not from the city , born in the DMV nor has any schooling in the DMV , therefore the knowledge she has of the culture in the theme of the city is limited to those that have influenced her during her stay.

The major sell in this book is the Obama crack. For example, we can all agree dating is a common theme amongst women and men , therefore , this is a good selling point and throw some Obama in there and cook it up and, the reader can get high.

The author is in her 20's . What does a 20 something see in their eyes? Hmmm most see hopes , dreams , and future. Who is the best man in the 20 something black women's world to date. The President of the United States is the best man for any 20 something to marry or be with. If one looks at Obama's action in his relationship to his wife and family, you may be on the correct path. The first Lady once made more then Obama and supported the family while Obama was working for pennies(play the small violin please). As time passed , the young Black American Princess (Michelle Obama) had kids and still fought on as the future king developed himself into a world leader. As a world leader, they go on date night and look fly and kiss the sky. I think you get the picture.

People forget that Obama at times during his noble quest to the top spent many days and nights away from the family and , the date nights maybe a make up for the family to remember things and enjoy the success of their struggles.

In closing, this is how get Obama crack. You take some females that have made some strides in life but, think they are true Buppies because true Buppies have to make 200k but , they are not making that amount. The group of females represent the baking soda and then you ad some water or liquid which you can find at any club on any night. You slow mix in the Obama man and stir till a boiling but not too long. You stir just long enough so Obama man can have a little Mandingo in him. Once you have complete this task, you cutt up your Obama crack , contact your PR people and distribute your book to all the young successful black single women on the planet. If you can do this, you will having them all high and not seeking a better reality.
